I finally published a book!
My bucket list is now clear. 😀 (Seriously though, that was the only thing on my bucket list).
It's been up for a week, and now begins the extremely difficult (for me at least) work of getting it in front of enough eyeballs to recover at least the money - if not the time - I invested to make it happen.
As I was finishing up the publishing work, I started going through some of the other attempts at a book I had worked on previously and considered maybe picking them up again. Then as I watched the daily sales graph rapidly drop to zero, I decided maybe this hobby is too expensive.
I know- You have to give it time, not an easy ask of my ADD brain (My mom used to love to tell a story about when I came home with a book which showed how to make toy boats - which would float - using carboard, crayons and glue. I didn't have the patience to wait for the glue to dry, so I substituted scotch tape. They didn't float...). But the challenge is finding that sweet spot between giving up too early and chasing an impractical dream to long.
Six days ago, three different people commented that they really enjoyed the book, but that they wanted to know more about Nicolas.
Well, that thought got stuck in my mind. Next night, I wake up at 2am, and as I am lying in bed, Nicolas's whole story (or nearly) plays out in my head.
For the last four days, I have written a thousand words a day about Nicolas.
So, it looks like there is at least one more book in my future.
I updated the "MissTaken" Page, to be a good launch point for that book. I would be ever so grateful if you would share it far and wide.
And I will figure out how to keep you updated on my progress on book number two. Wish me luck!