Saturday, May 25, 2024

Leaving Microsoft Part 2- Migration Strategy

My previous post, I announced my intention to cut all dependency on Microsoft. (Previous post is here).

There are a few strategies to proceed with such a drastic change, and I will use this post to enumerate them.

1. Obtain a new computer, deploy it with the new operating system from the start, and run your old and new system in parallel, until you are comfortable with the new system, and have successfully migrated all applications and data. 

This is arguably the safest strategy, as your old system is available, untouched, until you choose to shut it down. There is some complexity in managing to disparate systems for a period of time, which might cause issue with managing data between the two. 

This option requires funds to acquire a new system (which if you are due for, and planning an upgrade, is not an issue), and space to have both systems set up and running simultaneously.

2. Dual Boot your existing system - It is possible to install both Windows and Linux on the same computer. Each time you start the computer, you will be presented with a menu from which you can select which operating system to boot.

This saves bot money and real estate over the first option. It does require free space on a hard drive in order to install the second operating system. There is also a risk of something going wrong, and your old system getting erased (take a backup first). 

It can also be a fiddly process to get working, especially with newer systems with secure boot technologies. You may have to do some fiddling around in BIOS, which in turn may cause your existing operating system to become unavailable. As such, this wouldn't be my first recommendation.

3. Test the new system on your existing computer using a "Live" distribution 

There are versions of Linux which can be run from a CD or USB drive, on your existing hardware, without tampering with your existing operating system. This is a good way to sample the new operating system and see how it works generally.

This won't be a thorough test, as you may be limited to the applications and drivers included on the live-boot system, meaning you may not be able to test all of your applications, and if your computer requires drivers not included, you may experience issues with video etc... which are correctible, with a full installation.

You should also keep in mind, the Live-boot system is booting from slower media (CD or USB), thus may appear to have comparatively poor performance. Just keep that in mind when evaluating.

The biggest drawback to this approach - you have nothing apart from your own personal motivation to move you forward. You could spend forever dipping your toe in the water, and never make it into the pool.

4. "Burn the boats"

You could just - on a wild impulse remove the old operating system, install the new, and then work through whatever issues you encounter.

This has the advantage of forcing you to move forward and find solutions. This could lead to interruptions in your ability to do your daily work while you find solutions, however. I would therefore not generally recommend this approach.

5. Obtain a cheap (or free, if you have access to one) laptop to deploy the new system on for testing.

This is similar to the first option, but with a lower cost. It requires minimal space (and can be tucked away when not in use). It allows you to safely test your applications, and general functionality, without risking your primary computer.

When you are satisfied, you can then "Burn the boats" (option 4) with greater confidence.

The test won't be truly representative of your final system. Cheap or free most likely means older hardware, so performance may not be as good. Also, since it is different hardware, this approach won't necessarily resolve potential hardware issues when deploying to the final system.

Similar too option three, There is really nothing apart from your own motivation to drive you to actually making the final jump and moving your actual system to the new operating system.

Personally, I am using option 5 presently. I was able to obtain an old, refurbished laptop for under $150, and install Arch Linux on it. I have been able to test most of my applications. Thus far (Though I ran into one issue, which has me reconsidering Debian vs Arch as my Operating System of choice. I will likely address that in the next post.)

*Note - I am trying very hard to approach this from a non-technical perspective. My hope is that this will be readable by anyone who has a desire to break ties with large organizations who are increasingly intrusive and authoritarian in their behavior. If you are taking time to read this. I would appreciate your feedback as to how well I am (or am not) accomplishing this objective *