Saturday, February 16, 2019

Storing Sourdough

Okay, I really don't have all that much to say about this personally. If you are feeding your sourdough every day, and your aren't making bread almost every day, you are going to have a surplus of sourdough.

You could just discard some. It amounts to pennies of flour and water.

But  some of us cringe at the thought of even that small waste.

You could also use other recipes, which use larger amounts of starter. (For instance, At the end of the week, I will either make pretzels, or I will make a batch of pizza crusts. (Recipes coming soon).

Or, you can just let it die, and start again next time you feel the urge to make sourdough something.

Or, you can use a technique for longer term storage.

Below is the excellent video I found on this very topic.

I have only used the refrigeration technique personally. I feed my starter, and stick it in the fridge. I feed it once every week to 10 days. When I want to make bread again, I pull it out three days before, and start daily feedings, to give it time to wake up. This works well.

For the other techniques, please refer to the Video below.

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